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There is a newer version of this car Read the latest Suzuki Grand Vitara (05-14) review here

Suzuki Grand Vitara Estate review

1998 - 2005 (change model)
Parkers overall rating: 3 out of 53.0

At a glance

Price new £10,840 - £19,858
Used prices £458 - £3,045
Road tax cost £345 - £415
Insurance group 19 - 27
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Fuel economy Not tested to latest standards
Range 334 - 610 miles
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Available fuel types



Pros & cons


Value, reliability.


Bouncy ride.

Written by Parkers Published: 6 June 2019 Updated: 6 June 2019


The original Vitara kicked-off the lifestyle 4×4 sector in 1989. The larger Grand Vitara arrived in showrooms in 1998, with chunkier styling, a better interior, comfier ride and more safety kit. The longer XL-7 came along in 2001, available as a five-seater with a huge boot, or as a seven seater.