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Suzuki Ignis Estate review

2000 - 2008 (change model)
Parkers overall rating: 3.5 out of 53.5

At a glance

Price new £7,672 - £9,619
Used prices £796 - £4,728
Road tax cost £210 - £305
Insurance group 10 - 16
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Fuel economy Not tested to latest standards
Range 343 - 388 miles
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Available fuel types


Pros & cons


Spacious, practical and sensibly priced


Fidgety ride, 4Grip thirst

Written by Parkers Published: 6 June 2019 Updated: 6 June 2019


The Ignis sits well outside the mainstream of the small car sector, but is an agreeable small car that proves more useful than you might expect. Launched in 2000, it beat the likes of the Ford Fusion and Mazda 2 to market by several years and was refreshed late in 2003 with the addition of the 4Grip all-wheel-drive variant. The five-door Ignis is significantly taller and longer than the three-door car and is based on the principle of maximising roominess in a small car.