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Audi A4 Saloon review

2000 - 2004 (change model)
Parkers overall rating: 4 out of 54.0

At a glance

Price new £18,355 - £38,075
Used prices £523 - £6,453
Road tax cost £210 - £415
Insurance group 20 - 40
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Fuel economy Not tested to latest standards
Range 305 - 785 miles
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Available fuel types



Pros & cons


Good image, neat styling, comfortable


Not particularly cheap

Written by Parkers Published: 6 June 2019 Updated: 6 June 2019


When Audi set to work on the second generation of the A4, its priorities were to increase interior space and improve driver appeal. The firm succeeded on both counts, creating a real rival to the BMW 3-Series and Mercedes-Benz C-Class. It has handsome looks, superb build quality, beautifully presented interiors and a wide choice of highly developed, powerful and efficient petrol and diesel engines.

It’s not quite as rewarding to drive as its big rival the BMW 3-Series but is just as comfortable and well built.