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Ford Galaxy Estate review

2000 - 2006 (change model)
Parkers overall rating: 4 out of 54.0

At a glance

Price new £18,130 - £26,755
Used prices £345 - £2,414
Road tax cost £335 - £415
Insurance group 22 - 31
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Fuel economy Not tested to latest standards
Range 354 - 662 miles
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Available fuel types



Pros & cons


Comfortable, car-like to drive, plenty of passenger space, comes with seven seats


Wind noise, bulky styling, thirsty petrol engines

Written by Parkers Published: 6 June 2019 Updated: 10 October 2023


Basically the same as VW’s Sharan and SEAT’s Alhambra. Not as flash as the Renault Espace but well liked by owners and less van-like than some big MPVs.