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There is a newer version of this car Read the latest Ford Mondeo Saloon (14-22) review here

Ford Mondeo Saloon review

2007 - 2010 (change model)
Parkers overall rating: 4 out of 54.0

At a glance

Price new £16,525 - £27,871
Used prices £438 - £2,367
Road tax cost £210 - £415
Insurance group 12 - 27
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Fuel economy Not tested to latest standards
Range 462 - 770 miles
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Available fuel types



Alternative fuel

Pros & cons


Sharp styling, hugely spacious interior, wonderfully refined long distance cruiser, great to drive


Lacks practicality and load carrying ability of hatch, satellite navigation isn't standard on any model, more difficult to sell used

Written by Simon McBride Published: 6 June 2019 Updated: 6 June 2019


While the hatchback version of the Mondeo is hugely popular, the saloon sells in relatively few numbers. As a family car, the Mondeo it makes far more sense as practical five-door while the boot-adorned rear isn’t as good looking. That’s not to say the saloon isn’t as good in every other department. Like the rest of the range it is great to drive, hugely spacious inside and wonderfully refined.

There’s also a great range of engines available – although there’s no low-emission ECOnetic model. Overlook the Ford badge and the top range models rival prestige cars like the Audi A4 and Mercedes-Benz C-Class in terms of build quality and equipment levels are more generous. In 2010 the Mondeo received a little cosmetic surgery, the most noticeable part of this refresh it the new nose-job.

The front-end has had a complete overhaul, including an enlarged lower grille and a smaller upper grille, while the rear receives new LED tail-lights, an all-new bumper, a reshaped valance and an integrated rear spoiler. The interior has also had a little nip/tuck. There is now a one-piece central console that is soft to touch and the plastics are of a higher quality.

More kit is offered as standard including blind-spot alerts, lane-departure steering-wheel vibrators, an alertness assessor, a rear-view camera, automatic headlight dipping speed limiter and LED daytime running lights. However the less practical saloon will be harder to sell on the second-hand market.