View all Mazda specifications

Found the Mazda 626 of your dreams? Now you want to know all about it! With the help of Parkers, you can find out all of the key specs about the Mazda 626 from fuel efficiency in MPG and top speed in MPH, to running costs, dimensions, data and lots more. We have the most comprehensive specifications available online.

Older models

Hatchback (5 models)

1999 - 2002

1997 - 2000

1992 - 1997

1987 - 1993

1983 - 1987

Saloon (5 models)

1999 - 2002

1997 - 2000

1992 - 1997

1987 - 1993

1983 - 1987

Coupe (2 models)

1987 - 1993

1983 - 1987

Estate (4 models)

1999 - 2002

1997 - 2000

1992 - 1997

1987 - 1993

If you're looking for a Mazda 626 you will definitely want to know all about every aspect of the car – and Parkers has all the spec details you need to know how it will fit into your life. Check out the full details and compare with rival models on these pages.

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