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There is a newer version of this car Read the latest Vauxhall Corsa VXR (15-18) review here

Vauxhall Corsa VXR review

2007 - 2014 (change model)
Parkers overall rating: 4 out of 54.0

At a glance

Price new £17,580 - £22,055
Used prices £1,254 - £5,750
Road tax cost £305 - £385
Insurance group 30 - 34
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Fuel economy Not tested to latest standards
Range 346 - 376 miles
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Available fuel types


Pros & cons


Hot hatch styling, great turbocharged engine, nimble handling, decent ride quality


Too 'boy racer' for some, snappy throttle response, struggles to put power down cleanly

Written by David Ross Published: 6 June 2019 Updated: 6 June 2019


There’s no shortage of hot hatches on offer to buyers looking for performance and sharp handling – it seems that we can’t get enough of them in the UK. But with so much choice a car has to stand out to get noticed and that’s exactly what the Corsa VXR does. It’s no shrinking violet with it’s aggressive bodykit, rear diffuser and plenty of spoilers and skirts – clearly this is unashamedly a no holds barred hot hatch.

It has the power to back up it’s looks too thanks to a 192bhp 1.6-litre turbocharged engine which delivers storming performance and a 0-60mph time of just 6.8 seconds. Agile and composed handling, a raspy exhaust note and bucket sports seats complete the package and make the Corsa VXR one of the best small performance cars around.