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BMW 5-Series Saloon interior, tech and comfort

1996 - 2003 (change model)
Comfort rating: 3.5 out of 53.5

Written by Parkers Published: 6 June 2019 Updated: 6 June 2019

The cabin is spacious, ergonomically well thought out and we can say with certainty that you’ll find it comfortable. The wooden veneer inlays look a little tardy, but overall this is a luxurious environment that feels very well built. Visibility is also good and the seats offer sufficient levels of adjustment for drivers to find a comfortable position.

Occupants appreciate the spacious cabin that offers more rear room than the previous model. It has a luxury look with a classy-looking dash and instrument panel, but the seats, although made from quality material feel flat. The rear legroom was one of the areas that BMW sought to improve with its new avantgarde model, but the old one is still roomy enough for two adults to ride in comfort.