Lexus UX SUV 250h auto 5d Owner Review

250h auto 5d
Lexus UX300h (2024) front driving

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In their own words

Great car - you buy this car predominantly for comfort. The seats are amazing, you even get to feel a slight cushion in your lower back when the car accelerates, the cushioning is great. Seats are also supportive. The driving position is also nice and the centre console is slightly positioned more to the driver seat making it easier to see and access the controls. The soft touch materials are excellent quality. The performance of the car is good, very quiet and smooth. You notice the smoothness in the gear change, no juddering between gear changes and silence when stuck in traffic as it often switches to electric. I personally like the interface for media and it wasn't too difficult to switch to what I wanted on the centre console. Downsides? The look of the car isn't to everyone's taste. Some buttons are positioned a bit weird, e.g. the performance stick (to switch between sport mode, normal or eco mode) is a small stalk on top left of the steering wheel area. Personally this should be next to the gear stick for quick access. Instead you have to stretch to switch to another mode which is a bit annoying. It would also be nice to have a slightly sportier engine choice. Other than that you can't go wrong with reliability, comfort levels and general "safe" driving experience. I would much rather be stuck in rush hour traffic listening to music with no engine noise than an equivalent petrol or diesel Mercedes A class.
  • How they rated it

  • Reliability: 5 out of 5 5.0
  • Meets Expectations: 4 out of 5 4.0
  • Overall Rating: 4 out of 5 4.0
  • Hashim recommends this car

About their car

  • Fuel type Petrol/Electric Hybrid
  • When purchased September 2021
  • Condition when bought Used
  • Current Mileage 3,000 miles
  • Average MPG 39 mpg