Ford Ranger dimensions (1999-2006)

Load area and dimensions details for the 1999-2006 Ford Ranger pickup.

Ford Ranger (99-06) capacity & size

3 out of 5 3.0

The more room you get in the front, the less you get in the back.

Load length for the single cab is 2,280mm but this shrinks down to 1,753 for the super cab and 1,530mm for the double cab.

The tailgate can be pulled down to 90 degrees or will fold right down if necessary.

Many used examples will have been fitted with Truckman tops to protect cargo. While they are worthy additions it means that cargo can't be piled up above the side panels

Ford Ranger (99-06) payload, weight & towing

4 out of 5 4.0

Payloads range from 1,085kg to 1,195kg.