Other BMW 3-Series (1998 - 2006) models:

  • Summary

    4 out of 5 4.0

    What does this car say about you?

    You like solidly built good looking cars and are prepared to pay for it.

    What do your friends / family / neighbours think of the car?

    Very comfortable, nice looking. Most would like to own one.

    Would you buy this car again and why?

    I doubt I would ever buy the same car again (regardless of what it was). I would certainly buy a new 3 series if I had the cash, but would go for a bigger engine.

    What are you likely to buy next?

    Saab 9-5 2.3t SE Auto

  • Buying experience

    4 out of 5 4.0

    Type of dealer you bought from?


    Did you buy this car new?


    What price did you pay?


    When did you buy the car?

    February 2005

    Did you get a good deal and why?

    Is there any special reason why you bought this car?

    Always wanted one - previously owned a 1990 E30 325i

    What was the dealer like?

  • Driving it

    4 out of 5 4.0

    What's it like to drive?

    Smooth, comfortable, roomy in the front. A bit slow off the mark but plenty of power on the move. Goes where you point it, stability control and ABS help you out if you push it too far.

    What's it like to park?

    Very good for a fair sized saloon. Good visibility, turning circle and parking sensors.

  • Living with it

    4 out of 5 4.0

    Have you had any problems with the car?

    Sailed through first 2 MOTs in my ownership, then the Head Gasket went at 75,000 Miles without warning, and brake pipes & front cont. arm bushes needed doing on the next MOT. Head gasket replacement £900 - £1000 at BMW dealer or competent garage.

    What's most practical about your car?

    Good but not massive boot with keyfob opening. Computer with fuel mileage remaining calculation. Never needed to change the tyres, and I do not drive like an old man!

    Favourite gadget, option or accessory?

    Windows close and lock with the keyfob, parking sensors (whilst a bit girly) are actually very good and useful. You miss them when driving other cars. Auto dipping rear-view mirror handy but takes some getting used to. W/Wipers go to slower setting when you're stopped at the lights. etc. etc. a gadget lovers dream.