Other Volkswagen Polo (1994 - 2000) models:

  • Summary

    1 out of 5 1.0

    What does this car say about you?

    Not much - it's an average car.

    What do your friends / family / neighbours think of the car?

    As above - an average car

    Would you buy this car again and why?

    Never. Wouldn't ever buy another Volkswagen due to their attitude and after sales car when i reported my problems, all of which occurred below 40k miles and with a full service history.

    What are you likely to buy next?

    Something Japanese

  • Buying experience

    1 out of 5 1.0

    Type of dealer you bought from?


    Did you buy this car new?


    What price did you pay?


    When did you buy the car?

    April 2000

    Did you get a good deal and why?

    Normal deal.

    Is there any special reason why you bought this car?

    Looked nice and quite quick for it's size

    What was the dealer like?

    Polite and courteous

  • Driving it

    3 out of 5 3.0

    What's it like to drive?

    fairly quick but close gearing to give good performance means it's loud and noisy at motorway speed. At 70mph it's at around 4000rpm.

    What's it like to park?

    Easy - it's very small

  • Living with it

    2 out of 5 2.0

    Have you had any problems with the car?

    Yes. Lots. ABS Sensors ABS control unit Electric windows Gearbox failed

    What's most practical about your car?

    5 seats.

    Favourite gadget, option or accessory?

    no favourites