BMW 3-Series M3 (2007-2013) verdict

Should you buy a used BMW M3 (E92)?
Hell yes! But remember, these are thoroughbred cars and need to be cared for like one. Mind bending performance when you want it and accomplished motorway cruising, with acceptable long distance comfort, all rolled into one. As with anything specialist, ensure it comes from good stock as there are plenty of knackered old jalopies out there begging to catch someone out.
They are best bought from an enthusiast owner (though some live in a bubble when it comes to what they think they are worth) or a reputable dealer with a specialist focusing on M series cars. Independents such as Intune Services in North Yorkshire or Munich Legends in Sussex are good long-standing businesses who know these cars inside out.
Experience proves that if you ignore the Burberry cap and Pitbull owners then a well sourced M3 is, even by today’s standards, every inch true to the companies old adage of BMW being ‘the ultimate driving machine’