Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupe (2007-2012) interior, tech and comfort

Life aboard the Phantom Drophead is unlike that in any other car. You only need to look at the beautifully stitched thin-rimmed wheel or gear selector quadrant to see that the interior styling is clearly influenced by classic Rolls models and the materials used are simply sensational. Even the woven floor mats are a work of art and the reserve power indicator fitted instead of a rev counter is a charming touch if pointless.
You sit upright as you do at a dinner table in the incredibly comfortable chairs from a vantage point that gives a great view of the road beyond the famous flying lady.
Is there a more comfortable place to spend time while on the move? Possibly only the interior of the Phantom saloon. The fully electric cashmere-lined hood keeps the cabin commendably free of wind and road noise and retracts inaudibly at the touch of a button to reveal a cabin that has ample room for four adults, but is not enormous given the exterior dimensions.
Getting in means swinging back the rear-hinged door and stepping up into the high driving seat. Don’t bother reaching for a handle to pull the door behind you, instead press the button and let the electronics do the work.