Ford Ka 1996

Want to know everything there is to know about this car?

  • Economy


    3 out of 5 3.0

    Trendy image is keeping prices inflated. Interior is very plasticy, the body steel is lightweight and resonates unless additional soundproofing is added. Equipment is basic. Not the best value on the market, but you pay for the, er, 'style'!


    5 out of 5 5.0

    Like most Fords, it's a cheap car to run. Low insurance, mpg in the 40's and simple mechanics are easy to service. Engine is archaic pushrod design under modern single point injection gear, so anyone with a screwdriver can fix it!

  • On the road


    4 out of 5 4.0

    Kind of fun to chuck around. Skinny tyres provide surprising grip, while chassis and steering constanly communicate what is going on at the tarmac. Not sporty, but enough to entertain.


    4 out of 5 4.0

    Peppy, revvy OHV engine is massively oversized for the car (it was the only one that would fit after the new 2-stroke engine the Ka was designed for wasn't ready for launch), so performance is sprightly, even quick when in good tune (see Engine Problems).

  • Living with it


    4 out of 5 4.0

    Generally good - no major breakdowns, except for the battery going flat several times (caused by a lot of very short runs and solved by permanently fitting a solar trickle charger to keep it topped up). Engine and gearbox are very under-stressed.


    3 out of 5 3.0

    Trendy when launched and still holding its own, although new designs like the MINI and Beetle are stealing its thunder. Loads of them around, but still manages to look different. 95% of Kas driven by women (check the next one you pass), so a bit girly!


    3 out of 5 3.0

    Slightly odd driving position due to narrow body, buy generally pretty comfy even with 4 up, although you wouldn't want to go TOO far in the back seats! Luggage space is adequate for couple, small for family. Gets a bit thrashy and tiring on the motorway.

  • Security and Service


    4 out of 5 4.0

    Locks are high security type and well protected from urchins with coathangers. Boot can only be opened with key (no internal release). No central locking on this model, though. Best to fit an alarm, as they're still popular...


    3 out of 5 3.0

    Dealer service varies - some very helpful, others not interested. DIY servicing simple, but body/trim mostly held together with plastic clips which break easily, so beware. Factors have most parts. Mechanicals shared with Fiesta, so breakers an option.

  • Problems and Ownership



    Tappets are adjustable type and have a tendency to shake loose, resulting in the characteristic ticking that so many Ka's and Fiestas exhibit. Performance suffers dreadfully if clearances are excessive - keep them adjusted and apply Loctite 243 to threads


    Glovebox is hopeless!


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