Other Ford Mondeo (2000 - 2007) models:

  • Summary

    4 out of 5 4.0

    What does this car say about you?

    Can be considered a boring car but i liked the quality of the car in and out and reliability that it provides.

    What do your friends / family / neighbours think of the car?

    Micky taken at work for being 23 and driving a mondeo. Suggestions of driving gloves, flat cap and pipe as accessories.

    Would you buy this car again and why?

    Yes, spec good on all models, cheap parts. May not spank boy racers at the lights but does them easily on the corners and fast lane :-)

    What are you likely to buy next?

    Consider another mondeo in 2-3 years time. Would like to try one of the TDCI's at some point.

  • Buying experience

    4 out of 5 4.0

    Type of dealer you bought from?


    Did you buy this car new?


    What price did you pay?


    When did you buy the car?

    September 2006

    Did you get a good deal and why?

    Fairly good deal £4999 for 51 reg 52k on the clock and new timing belt fitted as standard on all cars sold by this garage.

    Is there any special reason why you bought this car?

    Owned MK2 Mondeo a couple of years a go and then brought a focus, missed it.

    What was the dealer like?

    Friendly, better than main dealers. fixed minor niggle with windscreen wiper stalk.

  • Driving it

    5 out of 5 5.0

    What's it like to drive?

    Handles better than my old 1.6 focus. Driving in fast lane of motorway is smooth and doesnt feel as you have to thrash it to get speed. Probably down to very good gearbox - easily better than the one in the 1.6 and below focus.

    What's it like to park?

    not bad for a big car, little difficault to see rear of car throught rear window.

  • Living with it

    5 out of 5 5.0

    Have you had any problems with the car?

    front wiper button on stalk worked when it felt like it. fixed under 6 month warrenty

    What's most practical about your car?

    Huge boot space, eats motorway miles.

    Favourite gadget, option or accessory?

    Air con as standard, allround elec windows on base model. cool passenger cup holder.