• Summary

    5 out of 5 5.0

    What does this car say about you?

    not much - family guy.

    What do your friends / family / neighbours think of the car?

    don't know yet.

    Would you buy this car again and why?

    I love it at the moment, but will have to see how it goes.

    What are you likely to buy next?

    rolls royce phantom

  • Buying experience

    3 out of 5 3.0

    Type of dealer you bought from?


    Did you buy this car new?


    What price did you pay?


    When did you buy the car?

    April 2008

    Did you get a good deal and why?

    I think so - got it from Motorpoint. Best price I could find (service was a bit basic)

    Is there any special reason why you bought this car?

    to replace an old scenic (V reg, 1999, 1.9dTi (100bhp Alize)

    What was the dealer like?

    ok, but you have to do all of your own admin, and make sure they do everything right.

  • Driving it

    5 out of 5 5.0

    What's it like to drive?

    really nippy - I was concerned that being the 1.5 diesel and the grand scenic it could be sluggish, but am amazed at the power and torque. I have come from a 1.9 dTi (100bhp) scenic, and it's quite a lot quicker than that. It also seems to be very good economy, with the computer showing 50+ mpg

    What's it like to park?

    not that good - visibility worse than the old shape scenic. it's really big as well which makes it more difficult. parking sensors would definitely be good even on the front (you can't see where the car ends at the front)

  • Living with it

    5 out of 5 5.0

    Have you had any problems with the car?

    I've only had it a week, but no it's been fine.

    What's most practical about your car?

    It's massive - will be great when we go camping

    Favourite gadget, option or accessory?

    cruise control